Directed by: Parminder Pal Kaur

The Script of Prof. Kirpal Kazak's Play "Deewarein" is largely based on Pakistani writer Fahmida Rica's Short-Story "Jhunnu ko Chithii Mill", the play is directed by Parminder Pal Kaur, Though this story, the writer has raised some pertinent questions regarding religious fanaticism. For instance " Is God the monopoly of the rich and powerful or of a particular community ? " Can God the confined to the bounds of a particular religion, caste or stratum of society ?" Is it not enough to the noble-hearted to receive the grace of God/to deserve the grace of God ?Is there any form of prayer/worship greater than true faith ?

If God dwells in particle of nature like fragrance than where is the wall thct can confines/stop this? Now the biggest question is : How Long, after all how long, will the world allow the distinctions of the religion, caste, community or gender to be exploited by the vested interests ? Such are the questions that the play compels us to answer. And answer we must, sooner or later. This play will be staged at Tagore Theatre, Chandigarh on 27th March, 2013 on the occasion of world Theatre Day at 6:48 p.m. Your requested to kindly cover the show.